How 2018 marketing setbacks power up your 2019

2019 comeback

What have you achieved from marketing in 2018?

Has your system of achieving objectives been met?

Or do you feel you’ve been hopping from one trend train to the next?


Jump on Instagram, your brand will be great on there!”

 “Why not start a YouTube channel? Everyone loves video!”

“Do people even still use Facebook or read blogs nowadays?”



Bet you’ve heard these comments related to your business or brand from a friend or acquaintance, right?

Live-streaming and video nowadays are marketed worldwide as the fun channels of how people engage, update an audience and keep tech-trendy in our digitally enterprising era.

This may grab the attention span of your fans or targeted prospects, but is it the best way to convert?

Do not EVER let another person’s opinion conflict with the way you market yourself online.

Even if you’re frustrated from no profitable results, that haphazard marketing slip may not be right for the conversion you’re seeking.



To get business development for sales and conversion stronger; what ever your industry in 2019, the top rule to master is stop being a volatile marketer.

No one cares as much as you do about your business and its progress.

That person who suggested this isn’t with you consistently or deep in thoughts at night on how to grow and capitalise your career.

Start strategising and apply your selection of channels with wisdom from awareness to filtering your most interested customers and clients with the sweet close-convert-and-hook method.

Here’s some common 2018 marketing setbacks that can strengthen you for a better 2019 approach:


Not every social media channel is appropriate

Social media to choose

How many social media channels do you have?

Whether you agree or disagree; a social media platform must be managed with purpose towards your brand’s digital marketing.

There must always be a final goal long-term to what you’re trying to achieve.

So what is it then??


You may have found yourself in 2018 adding on multiple platforms to your arsenal of marketing communications, ALL thanks to a misguided suggestion or observation of what’s trending and how your friends are engaging.


Even us as a digital agency made the same mistake earlier this year with Instagram.

From our experiences, we learnt, realised and summarised that without a thoroughly organised plan to why you’re on a social channel, your content and efforts published prove ephemeral without impact to your business goals.

Likes, views and black-hat comments don’t earn your living!


As the modern entrepreneur or marketer, enjoy social media features like Instagram, Snapchat and Facebook stories as a consumer; but apply a different mindset when it’s your business.

If it means cutting off some social channels completely from your online presence, so be it if it’s not adding towards your final conversion goals.

Social media in business is not only for digital showcase and glamour; it’s a means to a profitable end for your 2019.



Blogging wasn’t your forte at the time

Laptop and blog pad

Did you know avoiding blogging is avoiding your web visibility’s ranking and searchability?

Some of you where this is going – yup, white-hat SEO!


As a goal-driven, hungry founder or marketer, you may have dodged the blogging cycle in 2018; however, it won’t do you better justice in 2019.

 Being an enthusiastic writer of your industry and business not only gifts you with the skill of niche copywriting; it contributes to one or two marketing goals online which is brand awareness and engagement.

But where’s the value of blogging if I’m not converting?


The value lies within building and developing your website or blog channel’s content marketing for gradual ratings by Google.

Over time, a targeted prospect or potential customer’s search query may stumble across your relevant blog article and into your sales pipeline.

Not appreciating how search engine marketing works through blogging is a major disfavour for your business or brand.

Reconsider how powerful blogging is for your own industry marketing style in the new year and you’re revamping your 2019 marketing mindset.


Oh no, not big data and marketing stats!

Marketing data










Yes indeed – online marketing isn’t always creating, editing slick content and having fun.

We have to embrace the stats and make sense of our work.


Brands and businesses both B2B and B2C, established or start-ups; need to understand and consume the importance of digital analytics.


Our prediction is that 2019 is going to be a very analytical year of the type of digital marketing campaigns for multifarious sectors across the global economy.

Particularly for FMCG, fashion and consulting services.


What proves impact is how your results are performing in alignment with your business goals.

Platforms like Google analytics and any ‘insights’ tab you may have avoided across social throughout 2018 are the next plateau to reach for your 2019 strategy.

The trends may be what’s hot for your marketer’s creativity, but it doesn’t matter if you can’t analyse the metric trail left behind to power up your approach in 2019.


Data, whether real-time or progressive informs your future marketing and subsequent business decisions.

Make great use of big data and marketing analytics for your campaigns in 2019 goes a long way towards how ANY enterprise or brand views digital campaigns.

Anyone can make noise online, but make noise with meaning and returns!


A static mind towards paid online advertising & budgeting

Static mind

2018 may have been the year you started using paid advertising online like Google AdWords.


Reflect over the experience for a minute.

Did you set a high ad budget hoping to receive greater conversion?

Were you frustrated by poor results for yourself or on behalf of someone else’s advertising afterwards?


If so, maybe you weren’t entirely informed of the step-by-step process of trial and error, evaluate and improve your campaign performance within Google advertising.

The truth is that PPC advertising newbies perceive this channel as either a ‘genie’s wish’ for luxury search engine conversion, or are too much of reluctant ‘fraidy-cats’ to invest their money online.

Some marketers or online ad investors view this digital channel by saying either:


It takes money to make money so why not invest big?


What’s the point of online advertising if I hear it doesn’t work?


Now that’s a static mindset you may have developed, thereby guiding your decisions with emotion over rational consistency.

The safest option to revamping your approach to online advertising in 2019 is to start a small budget within your means first, before pinpointing the positives of running your campaign.

Without a doubt, there will be negative performance for the first few campaigns ran; however pinpoint the positive factors such as higher impressions and clicks. This guides much more logical thinking towards the ad creative (e.g. title, keywords, copy, etc.) you’ve drafted the campaign with for future 2019 ads and favourable results over time.


So what’s next for your 2019 digital?

Overall, there was a fair amount of info ground covered regarding your 2019 marketing strategy as a business or upcoming brand.

Yet, we want you to not just read this and forget; but rather read this and ACT!


The most recommended advice is to analyse the key topics and its issues we discussed and implement within your digital marketing for the new year.

Every year, new mistakes and challenges within marketing practices arise; yet revising your previous mistakes and discomforts to your improvement reveals persistency and dedication to excelling your business and marketing goals through digital.

Drop us a comment in 2019 on how the application went from this article to fruition and results in your business.